These Big Rigs Might Be Faster Than You

So we’re at the track a few weeks ago for a “street night”, and these two big rigs nonchalantly pull up to the starting line.  One is a giant, yellow and chrome, super ridiculously clean, semi that blows fire.  The other, well it’s an equally spotless, sort of sleepy looking, blue dump truck.  My friends and I were in the audience, perplexed.  The two of them stroll through the water box and proceed to absolutely obliterate their duallys past the 60 foot mark.  What the heck were we watching? The battle of the decepticons? They both reversed back to the starting line and staged like they had done this before. When the light turned green, they tore down the track like Sam Witwicky had just stolen their cube again.  Diesel was feverishly burned, boost was made, blow off valves honked, and major fun was had.  The craziest part you ask?  Well, that was the blue dump truck’s slowest pass of the night.  It was running mid 14’s consistently down the 1320 until they shut the lights off.  The rumor in the crowd was that it had over 1000 horsepower, and we’re betting its torque was fairly decent as well.

Can’t see the video? Here is the link:

Special Thanks to Chad S. for the great video footage as always!

Jeremy Nutt

Hi, I'm Jeremy.

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