How Do YOU Remove Grease Stains From Your Clothes?

It seems that each time I work on a car, I get grease, oil, ATF, gas, or some other stain on my shirt.  It doesn’t matter if I am in the interior, under the hood, or inside the trunk.  If I work on a car, I am basically planning to ruin at least 1 shirt with a large grease stain.  Now, if I just throw the shirt in the wash, there is less than zero chance of the stain coming out.  At best, it becomes a slightly lighter colored permanent stain, which is just unacceptable post Y2K. So when it comes to my “garage” clothes, drastic measures usually need to be taken.

Great News Though! I have found the end all, be all, stains remover for car enthusiasts.  It is a product that has probably been around for 7000 years (I really don’t know), and it is filled with magical ingredients that will clean anything off of anything.  It is called “Lestoil”.  If you have used this stuff before, you know that life isn’t the same without it, and it removes grease like a boss.

Let’s imagine you splash waste oil on your shirt.  Just take the Lestoil out of the cabinet, splash some of that magical yellow goodness on the stained area, rub it around a bit, and toss it directly in the washing machine.  It will come out stain free every time.  It is basically magic potion.  Got grease on your hands that you can’t get off?  Lestoil to the rescue, because it cleans your hands too!  I have no idea if it’s safe to do so, but it sure does work better than anything that I have tried (Yes, even the orange stuff!).  Oh, and then when you track your nasty garage soiled boot prints into the kitchen, it cleans those too, because it is also a floor cleaner!  Do other people realize how disturbingly awesome this potion is? What do you guys and gals use to clean stains?  More importantly, does it work?  Let’s put all the facts out there for our fellow gearheads to see.

Jeremy Nutt

Hi, I'm Jeremy.

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