Recently Mark Smith of Factory 5 (www.ffcobra.com) arrived on some VW discussion forums. He quickly made it known that he had a VW kit car project in the works that looks conceptually outstanding. Apparently you start with a Gen IV Golf or Jetta, and slice and dice it into a GTM-inspired (my words) supercar. Overall, it looks like a massively epic win for Volkswagen enthusiasts, and the car world in general, because an economic supercar will soon be within the average DIY’ers budget! There isn’t a descriptive enough word in the English language to describe the kind of automotive passion that comes out of the Factory 5 guys hands, so I have no doubt that this will be more of the same. If you want to follow the progress there are two areas you may want to venture into. Thecarlounge.net is the first, and there is also a slightly more in depth build thread going on within the TDIclub